Thursday, September 28, 2006

Did This Really Happen??!

(Claro que no.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm beginning to think that I am going to have to hold a contest with some sort of prize(s) to drum up some more interest in the blog. (Despite what you may think, I crave attention...) I could have lots of awesome stuff to give out: pens from drug companies, literature from drug companies, small buttons from comic book companies, the sky's the limit! Of course, now no one will comment if I say that you might get stuff for commenting later. D'oh. Hmm, we could take bets on when next Beth and/or Justin will update their blogs... (Heh heh, that was a low blow.)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Did this really happen??


Friday, September 22, 2006

Some more photos from Philadelphia to stun you further into unresponsiveness...

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Overheard in Philadelphia... (not Overheard in New York)

Guy in line next to mine: "Hey, [name of friend]! How are you?"
Guy in ASBMR Conference registration line behind me: "It's raining and I'm in Philadelphia."
Guy in line next to mine: "Yeah. I'm originally from Philadelphia. Now you know why I left!"

Aunt Dottie, showing me around a flea market: "Oh, here's this guy. We call him the Star Wars guy."
Star Wars guy (proudly): "Star Wars guy!"
Aunt Dottie: "We've gotten a lot of stuff from him."
Star Wars guy: "Thank you!"

Guy checking my receipt on the way out of "Big K-Mart": "Aw yeah, those are my favorite cakes!" (I bought a bunch of Tastykakes.)

More to come???

Monday, September 18, 2006

More [Blogs] About Buildings and Food
(This should be an wonderful entry, because I tried to upload it four different times from three different cities...)

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Saturday, September 16, 2006


Well, if you didn't believe that I was in Philadelphia before, perhaps this photo will convince you? Posted by Picasa

Hey, I'm posting this entry from Philadelphia! Unfortunately, I am doing so from a complementary "cyber-cafe" computer with no visible USB ports, so I can't post any pictures to prove it. Mostly I just wanted to post an entry from Philadelphia. Sorry those Gavin Society graphics don't work anymore. Apparently Gavin #1 was having too much bandwidth used up from all us other Gavins reposting the banners. Also he was thinking about disbanding the society because he had too much coursework, but it looks like we've dodged that bullet. Wow, once we get our act together we might - just maybe - be able to take over a very small piece of land. Perhaps we could call it Gavinistan. I don't think I'd want to live there, though.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I am what God "invisioned?"

I am having some reservations about our supposed perfection if we can't spell properly. Other that that, though, isn't it interesting that all Gavins have such a similar personality? :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hey, I knew it! All the Gavins in the world (OK, on MySpace), including me, have formed a society with the intent of world conquest. My greatest regret is that some other Gavin has already claimed Michigan. Anyway, deal with this!

OK, I've just made my claim on either Ohio or Pennsylvania, whichever one is available...

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