Thursday, January 19, 2006

So I finally tried a "Yorkie" bar the other day...(they're not for girls)

It was like Guy Fawkes blew up my taste buds! (That was a compliment.)

Pretty weird post, right? Why not tell me so in my ugly, ugly comments page?

UPDATE: Justin informs me that some "Footie" bars say "No wenches on the benches." So, sorry ladies... Also the comments aren't ugly anymore. Thanks, Justin!

Yup, Yorkies are delicious. I'll keep tinkering on the blog code to figure out fixing the comments page, but it's tricky business. On my blogger, I just selected to hide comments since I didn't like the comments page... but ideally I'll find an actual solution.
Yorkies are delicious, as long as they are raisin and biscuit! Not sure on the Footie bars though. (OK, so it seems to be just a seasonal name for plain Yorkies.) Thank you for you efforts on improving the comments page. It seems to be possible, there seem to be quite a few blogger blogs with decent looking ones. Dave's Longbox comes to mind. Nothing fancy, but at least it doesn't look like the output of a telegraph. I also haven't been able to change "gavingibson" to "gangibson" Hmmm.
Justin - I don't know if this helps, but the page you get when you are composing a comment and when you preview your comment looks very nice, like the nice blogger ones I've seen before. I thought maybe you'd changed it (and maybe you did change something), but the page you get when you click on "(2) comments" on the main screen still looks blah. Confusing.
I think that a Yorkie (the biscuit and raisin variety, at least) is most similar to a Chunky bar, just in a more traditional candy bar form factor. "Footie" seems to be what they are calling the plain Yorkie bar for some sports promotion, the O's in the name are soccer balls instead of anti-woman signs. So maybe women can eat one of those...
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