Saturday, February 11, 2006

I didn't mean for this to become a David Hasselhoff blog, it just sort of happened that way...

Although I've been known to drink either depending on what was available, I think I'll be sticking to Coke now instead of fresh-squeezed Hasselhoff juice--er, Pepsi. I am reminded of a joke. David Hasselhoff tells his agent that he wants to be known from that point forward as "The Hoff." While skeptical, the agent replies, "Got it, David. No hassle."
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I have not seen this commercial of which you speak. Fascinating. Is it part of their wonderfully named "Brown & Bubbly" campaign? Also, do you think that Jay Mohr is playing Peter Dragon in those commercials?
I thought he was Peter Dragon too. Hey that dvd comes out next Tuesday, I think. The whole series of Action... I, however, did not know the campaign was entitled "Brown & Bubbly." GROSS-OUT!
I guess "Brown & Bubbly" was just the hit single that Pepsi recorded. It was produced by P Diddy. Ha ha?
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