Sunday, March 26, 2006

Second Edition!: Celebrities That I've Been Told That I Look Like!
(Really! I'm not making any of these up, goofy pictures notwithstanding...)

1. Robert Goulet

2. Figure skater Paul Wylie

3. An action figure of "Clark Kent" from the WB's "Smallville"

(I think that I've just run out of people that I've been told that I look like. Please submit more to my comments section!)

Dad's a Delton celebrity? Maybe you are thinking of Grandpa Gibson?
Come on, what else you got?

Otherwise, I'm down to the guy who went to WMU at the same time as me that I never met, but was apparently my doppelganger. It was when I was working at the computer lab and a girl I was signing in said "how can you be here when I just saw you in Draper Hall?" (or some hall in that vicinity, I get them confused) It was eventually established that that wasn't me, but a remarkable facsimile, I guess.
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